Have Questions?

We have answers!

Our tenure within the telecommunications industry has enabled us to obtain lucrative wholesale agreements and extend exceptional offers to our customers.

Please call our customer service line on 1300CANARD and we will establish whether our services are available at your location.

We will aim to transfer your services within 48 hours, but on occasion it can take up to 10 Business days after the cooling off period.

1300 numbers enable your business to project a professional image whilst allowing your customers to reach you from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call.

You can call us on 1300CANARD for assistance.

You can pay your Canard bill via credit card or debit card. You can call 1300CANARD and pay over the phone or you can login via the customer portal on this site.

Most definitely! We will be releasing these products in the near future.

Canard utilizes Telstra, Optus and Symbio networks to bring you reliable solutions.

Can’t find what you are looking for? Submit your question.

If you need independant assistance selecting a service that meets your disability requirements, please follow the below link to ACCAN’s Disability Portal: http://accan.org.au/disability

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